Monday 31 December 2012

Ruddiger Sudnik’s 2012 review (part one of probably one).

So in the last week or two you’ve eaten too much, drank too much, slept too much. Also I bet you’re fed up with reviews and count downs, so here’s another one – the best moments of 2012. In no particular order or grouping.

Kings take league crown, Cup is throne away

So Man City got their first PL title, Chelsea won the European cup, Wiggins won the tour DF and GB went bat-shit crazy on medals in the Olympics. Despite all this, the greatest sporting achievement of 2012 must undoubtedly be the landmark victory of the ‘Derby Kings’ in the hotly contested Derby Sunday league. Crowds of up to 10 people were there to see an astonishing run of form that brought about the club’s first silverware since inception (of the club as opposed to the recent movie). The double was controversially denied after the players apparently declined to show up for the cup final.

Scottish arts festival? Capital Idea!

Edinburgh - Quite possibly one of the best weeks of my life. Despite the terrible company, setting, weather, accommodation and entertainment. See other entries for further details (which I promise will be finished soon).

I tried calling but you were engaged…

Despite it provoking a sickening reminder of ones almost perpetual singularity; a load of wonderful people decided to get married to each other – Gibbo/Bendtner set the trend and ever since they have been literally dropping like flies. Ok, maybe not literally, although if/when I make such a proposal I fully intend to drop from mid air onto my back. I could not be happier for all of you.
The prospect of Paddy & Fab’s doing best man speeches, big Dave’s massive head atop a wedding suit, being permitted to be involved in the marriage of a teen wolf, a bunch of stag doos (and probably don’ts), and last but not least a certain massive ridiculous party in early August (you know who you are).
Barometers in the Ball and Griffith households as a result of the above have had to be retired due to unprecedented rises in pressure……..You’re welcome guys.

Honourable mentions:
Weddings – Pumbs & Gomes you put on one hell of a show
Partying – waaaayy too many awesome nights out etc. to mention. I for one think I may have damaged myself.
Bones – please be less broken next year
Ass - still massive
Dignity - decreasing
Finances - all donations welcome
Fab - still a hero 

Right, I should have left home by now so the rest will have to wait – feliz año Nuevo a todos.

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